Sunday, December 18, 2011

Table of Contents

Here are the levels or sections to the LGR ebook. The first several are named after a status or trade in Roman society, army, and government. This is the title you will receive when you pass your oral exam at that level as a student. The other sections, beginning with the irregular verb forms, are named after famous Roman authors. When you pass your oral exam at each author level, you will receive that title to signify your beginning apprenticeship of that author.
As a student, you will be called by the title alone, as a teacher and examiner, you will be the title plus your designation. Exempli gratia (for the sake of example), when you finish the first level, you will be an Infantulus. As a teacher of the first level, you will be an Infantulus Teacher, as an examiner, you will an Infantulus Examiner.

My children like the status/trade/professional level names and the student, teacher, and examiner designations, but the levels named after authors bother me. It makes me feel as though I must find examples for that level from that author exclusively, which is frequently not possible because an author's style may not lend itself to clear illustrations of the principle in question. I have more example to add, so I'll keep thinking about it. Or, maybe I'll cut the gordian knot by just not putting in any examples, at least in this version anyway. We'll see. What do you think?

Part I - Forms
Latin Basics
Infantulus - Alphabet and Pronunciation - 7
Puer - Basic Grammar - 9
Barbarus - Introduction to Declensions - 10
Plebeius - Introduction to Conjugations - 11
Servus - Introduction to Verbs, Present Active Indicative - 12
Paedagogus - Word Order - 13
Libertinus - Yes or No Questions - 14
Noun Forms
Peregrinus - Noun Forms: Bases, Stems, How to Decline - 15
Actor - Noun Forms: 1st Declension - 16
Nauta - Noun Forms: 2nd Declension - 16
Mercator - Noun Forms: 2nd Declension, Neuter - 18
Agricola - Noun Forms: 2nd Declension, -ius and -ium. - 18
Pistor - Noun Forms: 3rd Declension - 19
Faber - Noun Forms: Irregular 3rd Declension - 21
Aedificator - Noun Forms: 4th Declension - 22
Artifex - Noun Forms: 5th Declension - 23
Magister - Noun Forms: Defective Nouns - 24
Prepositions and Conjunctions
Pater Familias - Prepositions - 24
Civis - Conjunctions - 26
Tiro - Adjective Forms: Basics, 1st & 2nd Declension - 26
Discens - Adjective Forms: The Nine Pronominal Adjectives - 28
Accensus - Adjective Forms: 3rd Declension - 28
Pedes - Adjective Forms: Regular and -er Comparisons - 30
Actarius - Adjective Forms: Irregular Comparison - 31
Strator - Adjective Forms: Cardinal Numbers - 33
Decanus - Adjective Forms: Ordinal and Distributive Numbers - 34
Vexillarius - Adjective Forms: Diminutives - 35
Campidoctor - Adverbs: Formation & Comparison - 35
Optio Signiferorum - Pronouns: Personal - 36
Optio Valetudinarii - Pronouns: Possessive - 37
Custos Armorum - Pronouns: Reflexive - 38
Magister Ballistariorum - Pronouns: Intensive - 39
Eques Romanus - Pronouns: Demonstrative - 39
Militiae Petitor - Pronouns: Relative - 41
Tesserarius - Pronouns: Interrogative - 41
Centurio - Pronouns: Indefinite - 42
Verb Forms: Indicative Mood
Centurio Stratorum - Verb Forms: Tenses, Moods, and Forms - 43
Centurio Frumentarius - Verb Forms: Active and Passive Indicative - Present Stem - 44
Centurio Classicus - Verb Forms: Active and Passive Indicative - Perfect Stem - 45
Princeps Castrorum - Verb Forms: Indicative - Irregular - Sum - 46
Pilus Prior - Verb Forms: Active Indicative - Regular Verbs - 47
Princeps Prior - Verb Forms: Passive Indicative - Regular Verbs - 49
Verbs Forms: Subjunctive Mood
Tribunus - Verb Forms: Subjunctive - 51
Tribunus Cohortis - Verb Forms: Subjunctive – Irregular – Sum - 52
Tribunus Liburnarum - Verb Forms: Subjunctive - Present Active & Passive - 52
Tribunus Angusticlavius - Verb Forms: Subjunctive - Imperfect Active & Passive. 53
Praefectus Castrorum - Verb Forms: Subjunctive - Perfect and Pluperfect Active. 54
Patricius - Verb Forms: Subjunctive - Perfect & Pluperfect Passive. 54
Verb Forms: Imperative Mood
Tribunus Laticlavius - Verb Forms: Imperative Mood. 55
Legatus Legionis - Verb Forms: Imperative of Regular Verbs 55
Verb Forms: The Infinitive
Iudex - Verb Forms: Infinitive - 57
Verb Forms: Participle, Gerundive, Supine, Gerund
Quaestor - Verb Forms: Participles - 58
Aedilis - Verb Forms: Gerundives, Gerunds, Supine, Active and Passive Periphrastic - 59
Verb Forms: Deponent
Rector Provinciae - Verb Forms: Deponents - 1st Conjugation - 60
Praetor - Verb Forms: Deponents - 2nd Conjugation - 62
Pontifex Maximus - Verb Forms: Deponents - 3rd Conjugation - 63
Consul - Verb Forms: Deponents - 3rd -io Conjugation - 64
Senator - Verb Forms: Deponents - 4th Conjugation - 65
Verb Forms: Irregular
Titus Maccius Plautus - Verb Forms: Irregular - Possum - 66
Marcus Tullius Cicero - Verb Forms: Irregular - Volo, Nolo, Malo - 67
Gaius Iulius Caesar - Verb Forms: Irregular – Fio - 68
Cornelius Nepos - Verb Forms: Irregular – Eo - 69
Titus Lucretius Carus - Verb Forms: Irregular – Eo Compounds - 70
Gaius Sallustius Crispus - Verb Forms: Irregular – Fero - 71
Gaius Valerius Catullus - Verb Forms: Irregular – Fero Compounds - 73
Part II - Syntax
Noun Syntax
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio - Noun Syntax: Nominative Case - 73
Publius Vergilius Maro - Noun Syntax: Genitive Case - 74
Quintus Horatius Flaccus - Noun Syntax: Dative Case - 75
Titus Livius - Noun Syntax: Accusative Case - 76
Albius Tibullus - Noun Syntax: Ablative Case - 77
Verb Syntax
Sextus Aurelius Propertius - Verb Syntax: Participles - 79
Publius Ovidius Naso - Verb Syntax: Ablative Absolute - 80
Lucius Annaeus Seneca - Verb Syntax: Gerundive, Gerunds, Passive Periphrastic - 80
Valerius Maximus - Verb Syntax: Infinitives, Indirect Statements - 81
Gaius Petronius Arbiter - Verb Syntax: Impersonal Verbs - 82
Verb Syntax: The Subjunctive
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus - Verb Syntax: The Subjunctive in Independent/Main Clauses - 83
Marcus Anneaus Lucanus - Verb Syntax: Sequence of Tenses - 84
Marcus Valerius Martialis - Verb Syntax: Types of Clauses - 85
Publius Papinius Statius - Verb Syntax: Clauses of Purpose (Final Clauses) - 85
Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis - Verb Syntax: Clauses of Result (Consecutive Clauses) - 86
Publius Cornelius Tacitus - Verb Syntax: Fear Verbs of Fearing; Clauses of Characteristic - 87
Gaius Plinius Secundus - Verb Syntax: Clauses after Cum - 88
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus - Verb Syntax: Conditional Sentences and Proviso Clauses - 88
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus - Verb Syntax: Indirect Questions, Quin, Comparitive Clauses - 89
Appendix 90
Status Levels
This present version is designed for an ebook. The words "forms" and "syntax" are repeated in every title because every ebook reader seems to have a different (and often difficult to navigate) index and I don't want the reader to lose their place.

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